Overpopulation: Issues and Resolutions

The current global population stands at over seven billion people. To put this number into perspective, the global population in 1804 was a billion, with predictions of the number of people increasing to nine billion in 2045 (based on current trends). Clearly then, the number of humans on the planet has been rapidly increasing. When…

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The Wealthiest Countries Are Not Always the Happiest

The extent to which a country is “developed” is usually expressed in terms of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The GDP of a country is the market value of all its goods and services at any given time. The higher the GDP, the more material goods and wealth that country possesses. The country with the highest…

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Why We Should Take ‘Green’ Policies Seriously

The Green Party usually gets accused of being a fringe party, full of eco-warriors, with nothing much to say except how much they want to save the trees. The ethos of the party does lie with its concern for the environment, but this concern seems completely justified and even relates to wider issues in society.…

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The Ethical and Environmental Implications of Lab Grown Meat

So earlier this year Dutch scientists used stem cells to create strips of muscle tissue, which many are claiming is a sign of greater things to come – the mass production of lab-grown hamburgers! An exciting prospect…but for who? Well, potentially, everyone. At the moment it is estimated that with current techniques, the cost of…

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