Timothy Leary’s Eight-Circuit Model of Consciousness: An Overview and Critique

The psychedelic guru Timothy Leary proposed a theory of human consciousness, known as the eight-circuit model of consciousness, in his books Neurologic (1973), Exo-Psychology (1977), The Intelligence Agents (1979), and The Game of Life (1979). This theory reflects Leary’s deep interest in mind expansion and psychedelics; the theory itself – which is presented as psychological…

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The Unscientific Nature of Jung’s Theory of Archetypes

The Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung is well known for developing his concept of the archetype. This refers to a primordial pattern existing in the collective unconscious, or humanity’s shared, inherited mental contents, which we are unaware of. Jung previously conceptualised archetypes (e.g. the Mother, the Trickster, the Shadow, the Child) as purely mental phenomena…

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The Psychology of New Age Spirituality

Why do some people get really into New Age practices and beliefs? Explanations can range from charitable and optimistic ones (e.g. people finding pathways to truth and wellness) to less charitable and cynical ones (e.g. some people are not scientifically literate, or they’re prone to cling to wellness trends to feel more ‘spiritual’). In answering…

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Using the Deathbed Meditation to Challenge Negative Thought Patterns

The ‘deathbed meditation’ is a mental exercise that I thought was an original idea I came up with. But others have stumbled upon this idea before – centuries ago, in fact. It involves visualising yourself on your deathbed, looking back on your life. By doing so, you put your current self into the perspective of…

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A Case for Psychedelic Scepticism

One of the reasons I wanted to write a book on the philosophy and psychology of psychedelic experiences was to defend a sceptical attitude towards these experiences. (You can find preorder links and more information about my book here.) The book’s title, Altered Perspectives, is partly related to this motive. Just as psychedelics can alter our…

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