A Buddhist Perspective on Gossiping

“Gossip is what no one claims to like, but everybody enjoys.” – Joseph Conrad The Noble Eightfold Path is traditionally considered to be the essence of Buddhist practice, and it is intended to help people escape the unease and unsatisfactoriness which is intrinsic to the human condition. The First Noble Truth in Buddhism (of which…

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Unpaid Internships Are Still a Major Problem

A recent report by the London Assembly Economy Committee found that more than 6 in 10 interns are paid less than the National Minimum Wage (NMW) of £6.50 an hour, with the Committee calling on the Mayor of London Boris Johnson to ensure that all internships longer than four weeks are paid at least the…

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The Psychology of Bad News

Every day we are inundated with stories about the most horrific acts and events that have taken place in the world. It’s common knowledge that ‘bad news sells’ – but what is it about bad news that makes it interesting and readable? It seems counter-intuitive that people’s minds would be primed to seek out information…

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Examples of Geometric Designs Used in Religious Architecture

Nasir al-Mulk Mosque or Pink Mosque in Shiraz, Iran Spanish Synagogue in Prague, Czech Republic Lotf Allah Mosque in Isfahan, Iran Selimiye Mosque in Edime, Turkey Golden Mosque in Registan, Uzbekistan Canterbury Cathedral in Canterbury, England Sagrada Familia Church in Barcelona, Spain

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What the Big Environmental Groups Don’t Want You to Know

I used to be a fan of Greenpeace. I’ve donated to them in the past and have always assumed they were leading the way in terms of raising awareness about the devastating effects of climate change, and the relevant human activity that contributes to these effects. But my view of Greenpeace completely changed when I…

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