On Mindfulness and Depression

Analogies are often necessary to describe how depression can escalate; how a mild pain mutates into something more excruciating. This downward spiral process is a lot like adding heavier and heavier weights to your shoulders. The first weight may be unexpected. Perhaps a stressful situation triggers the onset of depressive symptoms, such as fatigue, hopelessness,…

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Why Loneliness is a Major Issue in the UK

Britain has been voted the loneliness capital of Europe, with those living in big cities feeling the most isolated. London is a bustling and exciting place to live, with opportunities to meet all kinds of people. And that’s true. But at the same time, it can be a very lonely city to live in. Londoners don’t know their neighbours, don’t…

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Having CCTV in Slaughterhouses Won’t Prevent Animal Cruelty

Animal rights organisation Animal Aid has long campaigned for the introduction of mandatory CCTV in UK slaughterhouses. Animal Aid has secretly filmed inside 13 randomly chosen slaughterhouses and found that 12 of them were violating animal welfare laws; so it seemed clear that stricter regulation was needed. Without transparency, animal abuse can continue unabated. Mandatory…

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DMT: The Drug That Makes Science Fiction a Reality

Have you ever dreamt of being an astronaut? I mean, who wouldn’t want to travel way above the Earth, to see it from above, and to voyage through space to other planets? It’s the stuff of dreams. But, of course, only a select few actually turn this childhood dream into a reality. Alternatively, if you…

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Why It’s Important to Unplug From Social Media

If you feel that you’re spending too much time on social media, then you probably are. But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Findings show that, on average, we spend over 2 hours on social media every day. And this figure is increasing every year. This is interesting because it calls into question whether there will…

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