Endless Variation: Asemic Glyphs and the Intimation of Infinity

The uniqueness of asemic writing is its ability to give specific impressions – to transmit meanings, concepts, and abstract notions through word-like characters. Semantically meaningless in essence but suggestive of meaning through its similarity to an actual writing system, these characters become open to a diversity of interpretations and imaginings. And as an art form,…

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Infinite Cityscapes: Hyper-Detailed Architectural Drawings by Benjamin Sack

Benjamin Sack is an American artist who is noted for creating hyper-detailed drawings of cityscapes that mingle realism with abstraction. He depicts infinite cities, architectural labyrinths of dizzying detail. When I first came across his work, I was incredibly impressed (mindblown, to be honest) to see how he represented both the infinite and the infinitesimal…

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The Aesthetic Appeal of Fractal Architecture

Fractal architecture refers to a type of architecture that employs fractal designs, that is, the sort of self-similar patterns that can be found throughout the natural world. Fractals are self-similar in the sense that part of the pattern resembles the whole pattern or is a copy of the whole. Fractal architecture, given its utilisation of…

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Experiential Richness and the Perception of Time

The richness of our experiences in life can often drastically alter our perception of time. While we may not always think of time in a subjective manner (after all, a minute is a minute, an hour is an hour), the pace at which reality unfolds does, in fact, change throughout the day, depending on myriad…

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Could the Universe Be a Fractal?

There is a theory of the universe known as fractal cosmology and it says that the structure of the universe is fractal. A fractal is a geometric pattern that is self-similar, meaning that the whole pattern is contained within its parts. In other words, if you zoom into any part of the pattern, it looks…

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