Questions I Always Get Asked as a Vegan (#3): “Do You Not Miss Meat/Cheese?”

Since I have given up meat and cheese, people usually ask me if I miss eating them. “Do you not wish you could have a cheeseburger?” No, not really. Admittedly, when I first went vegetarian I probably did miss meat in a sense. I even had dreams about eating meat, only to wake up terrified…

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Pets: The Animal Rights Perspective

From an animal rights perspective, the domestication of any animal can be considered immoral since it involves using them as a means to an end and disregarding their intrinsic value. Gary Francione has underscored the inherent problems of domestication. In his view, the institution of pet ownership is incompatible with any theory of animal rights.…

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Questions I Always Get Asked as a Vegan (#2): “Do You Think You Will Always Be a Vegan?”

I often get asked this question and feel that behind it is the assumption that being veganism is just a phase that people go through, a lifestyle that they will eventually outgrow. If that’s the case, I find the question slightly condescending. Of course, there are extenuating circumstances when I would have no choice but…

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The Dark Side of the Animal Welfare Movement

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are usually referred to as an animal rights organisation. But this is a mistake. No animal rights organisation would euthanise 89% of animals at their own animal shelter. This is what PETA has been found guilty of doing at their shelter in Norfolk, Virginia. Of course, many…

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Lab-Grown Meat: Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Perspectives

On Monday the world’s first lab-grown, in vitro burger was cooked and eaten in London. Professor Mark Post from Maastricht University, along with his colleagues, took adult stem cells from a cow and then turned them into strips of muscle, which they combined to make a beef patty. Some have dubbed the patty, the ‘Frankenburger’.…

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