When Should You Take a Break From Psychedelics?

Whenever discussing harm reduction related to psychedelic use, we need to consider not just how psychedelics are used but also if they should be used at a particular moment in time. In his book The Joyous Cosmology (1962), Alan Watts famously cautioned psychedelic users: When you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic…

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Why Using Psychedelics Can Feel More Daunting as You Get Older

It is a common experience to find that you tripped more regularly and frequently in your younger years, with experiences happening less often with age. Initial psychedelic use typically occurs between ages 15 to 19, with 19 being the most likely age for people to first experiment with these compounds (note that this refers to…

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Overcoming Psychedelic FOMO

The fear of missing out (FOMO) is by no means a trivial form of distress. Fears about missing out on information, events, experiences, or life decisions that could enhance one’s life are associated with worsened depression and anxiety, and a lowered quality of life. FOMO drives the need to persistently stay glued to social media,…

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The Return of the Philosophy of Psychedelics (and Why It Matters)

The ‘psychedelic renaissance’ is typically framed in terms of the resurgence of scientific research into the effects of psychedelics, covering aspects like neuroscience, psychology, psychotherapy, and mental health. However, in recent years, we’ve also seen increasing interest in the psychedelic experience from a philosophical perspective.  The philosophy of psychedelics has a rich history. Yet there…

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Maxims to Aid Psychedelic Integration

One of the essential aspects of psychedelic integration, alongside making sense of the experience, is bringing the insights and lessons gleaned in the psychedelic state and incorporating them into one’s everyday life. But this is often challenging. Deeply meaningful insights can arise in an altered state spontaneously and effortlessly, and you may have a clear…

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