Psychedelic Research Did Not Stop in the 60s Solely Due to Drug Prohibition

There is a common narrative in psychedelic culture that early psychedelic research – which flourished in the 50s and 60s – was abandoned in the 60s because of then US President Richard Nixon’s ‘War on Drugs’. However, while drug prohibition was certainly a contributing factor, it was not the sole reason why psychedelic research slowed…

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The Human Predilection for Psychedelics May Be an Evolutionary Accident

Because psychedelics can have profoundly positive effects on people, this has led to the narrative that they exist for our consumption. Why else would certain plants and mushrooms have evolved compounds that foster better mental health, induce spiritual and transformative experiences, and lead to enhanced connection to others and nature? However, there is evidence that…

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The Debate Over Which Drugs Should Be Classified as Psychedelics

In an earlier post on AA founder Bill Wilson, I dispelled the idea that he used a psychedelic to get sober (a claim made on the Netflix series How to Change Your Mind, and which has appeared elsewhere). Wilson was given a deliriant concoction (belladonna and henbane) to beat his addiction to alcohol. This occurred…

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What Exactly is ‘Inner Healing Intelligence’?

‘Inner healing intelligence’ is a term derived from Stan Grof that is frequently used in the context of MDMA- and psychedelic-assisted therapy. (The central idea behind the term certainly predates Grof, however.) The MAPS Manual for MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (2015) – authored by Michael Mithoefer – places great importance…

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Are There Enough Secular Psychedelic Retreats?

Choosing a psychedelic retreat can be difficult. It’s always best to read reviews and get recommendations, as these can indicate a retreat’s commitment to safety, ethics, expertise, comfort, preparation, and integration. But in addition to this, one should know what kind of frameworks the facilitators use when holding ceremonies. At best, the use of certain…

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