Some Psychedelic Users Are Unbothered by HPPD (and Might Even Enjoy It)

Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) is a condition – characterised by chronic visual distortions – that can be triggered by psychedelics. It is considered a rare risk of psychedelic use, although the actual incidence of it is unknown (studies are limited and offer differing incidence rates). Many psychedelic users experience post-trip visual changes, but these…

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Could Non-Hallucinogenic Psychedelics Help Treat Schizophrenia?

In psychedelic clinical trials, patients with a history of psychotic experiences, a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia, or a mood disorder with psychotic symptoms are typically screened out. (Other exclusion criteria – again, typically – include a diagnosis of bipolar disorder or recent suicidality.) The reason for excluding people with psychotic symptoms from trials on psychedelic-assisted therapy…

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The Myths and Marketing Behind Psilocybin Mushroom Strains

In the natural world, there are more than 200 psilocybin mushroom species (most of these belong to the genera Psilocybe, but psilocybin-producing mushrooms also belong to genera such as Copelandia, Inocybe, and Panaeolus). There are also many different strains, or varieties, of psilocybin mushroom species. Most of these strains belong to the species Psilocybe cubensis.…

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Psychedelic Research Did Not Stop in the 60s Solely Due to Drug Prohibition

There is a common narrative in psychedelic culture that early psychedelic research – which flourished in the 50s and 60s – was abandoned in the 60s because of then US President Richard Nixon’s ‘War on Drugs’. However, while drug prohibition was certainly a contributing factor, it was not the sole reason why psychedelic research slowed…

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The Debate Over Which Drugs Should Be Classified as Psychedelics

In an earlier post on AA founder Bill Wilson, I dispelled the idea that he used a psychedelic to get sober (a claim made on the Netflix series How to Change Your Mind, and which has appeared elsewhere). Wilson was given a deliriant concoction (belladonna and henbane) to beat his addiction to alcohol. This occurred…

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