The Mistake of Viewing Psychedelics as a Panacea for Mental Distress

As much as psychedelics hold great promise in alleviating all kinds of psychological distress, they are not a mental health panacea, which they are sometimes touted to be. Based on positive media stories surrounding psychedelic research and anecdotal reports of people being forever cured of chronic, severe mental illnesses, it’s easy to get the impression…

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Could LSD Really Be a Better Smart Drug Than Modafinil?

A 2015 article in The Guardian claimed that modafinil (marketed as Provigil) is the world’s safest smart drug while a systematic review published in European Neuropsychopharmacology found that modafinil does in fact enhance cognition, and it is safe in the short-term, with few side-effects and no addictive properties. This drug – available on the NHS as…

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Psychedelics and Veganism: Personal Change Catalysed by Psilocybin

This is a guest post from John Robertson, the owner of the blog Maps of the Mind. At the start of last year, I decided to commit to a plant-based diet. This final step came after years of being in this very strange place of being a supporter of plant-based diets and generally understanding and…

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Navigating the Legal Landscape of Psychedelics

If you are interested in having a psychedelic experience, you may be put off by the prohibited status of many psychedelics. This is understandable. Ideally, no one would want to pursue an experience that involves committing any crimes. Fortunately, there are still many legal psychedelics you can possess and consume. The purpose of this article…

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Xenoglyphs and Asemic Writing: The Joy of Creating Alien Symbols

For several years, I have found myself drawn to the practice of asemic writing (artistic, meaningless writing, which has the appearance of a genuine language). However, I didn’t know there was a specific term for the practice – or that it belonged to an artistic trend – until quite recently. When drawing, or just mindlessly…

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