The Human Predilection for Psychedelics May Be an Evolutionary Accident

Because psychedelics can have profoundly positive effects on people, this has led to the narrative that they exist for our consumption. Why else would certain plants and mushrooms have evolved compounds that foster better mental health, induce spiritual and transformative experiences, and lead to enhanced connection to others and nature? However, there is evidence that…

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The Debate Over Which Drugs Should Be Classified as Psychedelics

In an earlier post on AA founder Bill Wilson, I dispelled the idea that he used a psychedelic to get sober (a claim made on the Netflix series How to Change Your Mind, and which has appeared elsewhere). Wilson was given a deliriant concoction (belladonna and henbane) to beat his addiction to alcohol. This occurred…

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Hunting and the Origins of Sport

Why are humans obsessed with sport? A common explanation is that we are tribal creatures, and so because sport involves teams, we are naturally drawn towards this form of competition. One’s team becomes part of one’s identity, and one’s emotions become intensely invested in the team’s success. Of course, sports also display a level of…

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Do Psychedelic Effects Become More or Less Intense With Age?

I have come across many accounts of psychonauts who say they prefer lower doses of psychedelics as they gain more experience with them. Perhaps this is because, as I’ve discussed before, psychedelics can feel more daunting as you get older. And this can be for several reasons: less fearlessness and risk-taking, more experience with the…

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Explaining the Aesthetic Dimension of Nature

It may seem intuitive, in evolutionary terms, why we would find natural settings attractive and appealing. The biologist Edward O. Wilson argued that humans possess a trait called biophilia (fondness for nature, or an innate tendency to seek connections and affiliations with nature and other forms of life), which he argued makes sense evolutionarily. It…

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