Should All Drugs Be Legalised?

This is the dissertation I wrote for my Philosophy undergraduate degree in 2012. Some of the statistics may be a bit out of date, but recent developments in drug liberalisation (such as in the US) and research on the illicit drug trade – as well as the therapeutic application of certain illicit drugs – are still…

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Here’s How Legalising Psychedelics Could Minimise the Risk of a Bad Trip

While the classical serotonergic psychedelics (LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, and DMT) are generally considered physiologically safe and non-addictive, they are certainly not without their risks. Negative experiences do occur – although, under a system where psychedelics are legal and regulated, this risk could be minimised. For a very tiny minority with a pre-existing or latent mental…

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Challenging the Stigma Surrounding Psychedelics

Between 2016-17, US comedian Shane Mauss was performing on a tour called A Good Trip, a two-hour comedy show about psychedelics. One of the aims of this tour, he said, was to remove the stigma that surrounds the use of psychedelics. Public Perceptions About Psychedelics Many people have misguided and negative preconceptions about what these substances…

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How Can Travel Be a Meaningful Experience?

When you go on a trip, perhaps it is similar in many ways to other kinds of ‘trips’, like those that people have when they take LSD, or those inner journeys of the mind experienced in dreaming, or another altered state. I think it can be stated without being too facetious that there are noticeable…

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Is Microdosing LSD an Effective Mental Health Treatment?

Taking small quantities of psychedelic drugs has become a trend among professionals in Silicon Valley. It’s being used to enhance concentration, problem-solving and creativity. We’ve known from studies conducted in the 60s that people report a serious boost in creativity after taking a recreational dose of LSD (100 micrograms). But microdosing involves taking such small amounts (10 to…

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