How to Find Work as a Freelancer

Freelancing appeals to many people because it entails a certain level of freedom that you don’t get by working full-time for a single company. Freelancers can enjoy more flexibility in terms of the kind of work they do, their working hours, when they take time off, and where they work. However, there is a trade-off…

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How to Cure a Toxic Work Culture With Non-Violent Communication

Work culture influences how employees interact with each other and how an organisation functions. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle with a toxic work culture that sees employees engaging in office politics, gossip, conflict, blame games, harsh competitiveness, and a general crab mentality (trying to bring down the success of others). These unhealthy forms of interaction can,…

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The Mental Roadblocks That Writers Face

Making a career out of writing can be tough going. It is many people’s dream to get paid to write. It is also a skill which we all possess, so in order to turn this skill into a career, you need to be very adept, adaptable, and impressive in your ability to make an impact…

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How to Make Digital Nomadism a Long-Term Lifestyle

Digital nomadism – the combination of travel with remote work – is an increasingly popular trend. Many bright-eyed millennials see it as a way to ditch the drudgery of a boring and uninspiring 9-to-5 while at the same time satisfying their hunger for travel. Yet despite all of the travel bloggers and YouTubers who ‘sell’…

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Automation Could Mean the End of the McJob

The term ‘McJob’ applies to any job that is low-skilled, low-paying, unstimulating, and has few prospects. We might call these dead-end jobs. Author Douglas Copeland popularised the term McJob in his novel Generation X: Tales of an Accelerated Culture (1991), which conveys the struggles of Gen Xers, those born in the 60s to early 80s.…

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