Mudita (Sympathetic Joy): One of the Hardest Buddhist Virtues to Cultivate

Mudita (sympathetic/empathetic joy) is one of the four brahma-viharas (also known as the sublime attitudes or Four Immeasurables), which are the Buddha’s “heart practices” – those that develop particular emotional states, or virtuous emotions, that help to cultivate happiness in ourselves and others. “Brahma-vihara” literally means “dwelling place of brahmas”, and brahmas are gods who…

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How to Cure a Toxic Work Culture With Non-Violent Communication

Work culture influences how employees interact with each other and how an organisation functions. Unfortunately, many businesses struggle with a toxic work culture that sees employees engaging in office politics, gossip, conflict, blame games, harsh competitiveness, and a general crab mentality (trying to bring down the success of others). These unhealthy forms of interaction can,…

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The Crab Mentality: Why Can’t We Be Happy for Other People’s Success?

When you put a bunch of live crabs in a bucket, you can witness quite an interesting phenomenon. Some of these crabs can easily escape – but as they attempt to climb out of the bucket, other crabs pull them back down. At first glance, this can seem like cruel and senseless behaviour: rather than…

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