Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill: A Threat to Freedom

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill 2013-14 has been described by Lord Taylor of Holbeach as “compatible with the Convention rights” – those guaranteed in the European Convention on Human Rights. The irony is that this Bill, sponsored by the Home Secretary Theresa May, could actually threaten our basic freedoms. Freedom of movement, freedom of…

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Chief Constable Mike Barton Says the War on Drugs Must End

Durham’s chief constable, Mike Barton, has recently come out and said that the war on drugs is wasteful and ineffective. Mike Barton is not the first top police official to make such a daring statement against laws which are his duty to uphold. A small minority have called for a major review of existing drug…

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How Should We Tackle the UK’s High Rates of Reoffending?

The UK has extremely high rates of reoffending – in fact around half of all crime is committed by people who have already been through the criminal justice system. This suggests that the criminal justice system is not effective at preventing those with a criminal record from committing further crimes. Not only does this defeat…

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