Why Are Millennials Obsessed With Travel?

As a generation accused of being lazy, self-obsessed and self-entitled, obsessing over travel seems to fit that bill. To feel entitled to quit a job and go backpacking around the world on a ‘personal journey’ – equipped with selfie (selfish) stick in hand – might be a sign of self-indulgence. This might play some role in…

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National Service Bill is a Violation of Freedom

The National Service Bill (2013-2014) was presented to Parliament on 24th June 2013, but since this was the first reading, there was no debate regarding the Bill. However, on the 28th February 2014, the Bill is expected to have its second reading, in which it will be debated. This bill aims to make national service compulsory…

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Why We Need a ‘None of the Above’ Option for Ballot Papers

None of the Above (NOTA) is a ballot option in some countries and it allows the voter to express their disapproval of all the candidates and parties listed. Those who are in favour of it argue that a truly democratic process should entitle citizens to express non-consent, as well as consent. NOTA has been adopted…

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