Why You Should Let Your Personality Type Guide Your Career Path

You may have realised – or perhaps you’re in the process of discovering – that you have a certain personality type. This refers to what you, as an individual, prefer when you are using your mind or focusing your attention. For instance, you may prefer to spend your time in the outside world or you…

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The Biggest Struggles of Being a Freelance Writer

Freelancing writing can prove to be deeply rewarding and seriously challenging in perhaps equal measure. Every career path has its trade-offs. Accompanying the undeniable benefits of freelance writing are various pitfalls that any would-be freelance writer should be aware of, and which any budding or established writer should be equipped to handle. Here are six of…

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What Master’s Degree Would You Study If You ‘Followed Your Bliss’?

If you’re thinking about studying a master’s degree, you may be wondering if it’s really worth the costs involved, especially after accumulating huge amounts of debt from your undergraduate studies. Indeed, you could end up paying thousands of pounds for only a slight advantage over undergraduates in the jobs market. However, it is also quite…

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How Self-Authoring Can Improve Your Career Development

Self-authoring is a writing exercise and psychological tool that helps you make sense of the past, gain a realistic perspective of your present situation, and plan for the future. It’s a way of adding narrative to your life – turning it into a coherent story. Have you ever really sat down and just written in…

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