Why You Should Let Your Personality Type Guide Your Career Path

You may have realised – or perhaps you’re in the process of discovering – that you have a certain personality type. This refers to what you, as an individual, prefer when you are using your mind or focusing your attention. For instance, you may prefer to spend your time in the outside world or you…

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Keeping Your Inner Critic in Check as a Writer

As a writer, I’ve really struggled with this inner critic that harshly judges the work that I do. We’re our own worst critics – that’s true. And this applies to writing, especially. Every writer should be willing to critique their work and find the faults that need correcting and be actively engaged in this enterprise.…

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The Dangers of Cynicism and Why Scepticism is the Better Outlook

We would all like to think that when we do something with good intentions and act on those intentions, we are behaving as purely morally upright people. We may believe that we can easily discern when we (or others) act altruistically and when the opposite is true. However, our conflicted and flawed nature means this…

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The Problem With Being Obsessed About Travel

I’ve written before about how travelling can be addictive. I’ve also defended the millennial obsession with travelling. Obviously, it’s better to be ‘addicted’ to travelling than, say, gambling. But if the urge to just ‘travel more’ and hoard travel experiences becomes the centre of one’s focus, then this kind of experientialism may lose meaning and value. Just as a focus…

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Don’t Let the Pursuit of Experiences Turn Into a Status Game

A strong case can be made for prioritising ‘experientialism’ over materialism; that is, looking for contentment in experiences, rather than material things. Psychological research shows that pursuing experiences over things makes us happier. Materialism has been linked to personality disorders such as narcissism, social anxiety and generally being dissatisfied with life. Taking some time out to travel might…

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