Could LSD Really Be a Better Smart Drug Than Modafinil?

A 2015 article in The Guardian claimed that modafinil (marketed as Provigil) is the world’s safest smart drug while a systematic review published in European Neuropsychopharmacology found that modafinil does in fact enhance cognition, and it is safe in the short-term, with few side-effects and no addictive properties. This drug – available on the NHS as…

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The Ethics of Using Smart Drugs to Boost Performance

Using smart drugs to boost performance is not without its ethical issues. While some may claim that it’s cheating to take a substance to outcompete others, others will say that there’s actually a moral imperative to do so in some professions; say, in biomedical research or space exploration, where peak performance can benefit humanity in…

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The Future of ‘Smart Drugs’

So it seems that the use of the ‘smart drug’ modafinil is on the rise. Of course, we must take into account the flawed nature of the Tab survey – the survey asked ‘Do you use study drugs?’ and obviously, those who do use these drugs are more likely to reply to the survey than…

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