Why Does Jordan Peterson Appeal to So Many Young Men?

Jordan Peterson is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto and has been a clinical psychologist for 20 years. In the past few years, however, he has turned into an extremely popular public intellectual and speaker, with his book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos (2018) becoming an international best-seller. It’s…

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The Human Need for Storytelling

We are a storytelling species. Not only do we weave stories about our own lives (which is known as narrativisation: the process of presenting and interpreting experiences, events, and scenarios in the form of a narrative; that is, a story), we also create, tell, and retell stories of an epic, mythic, and fantastical nature. Moreover,…

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How the Bible Borrowed From Other Stories

The Bible (consisting of both the Old and New Testament) is central to Christianity and so are its many myths, stories and parables. But even though many of these myths help to define the religion, some of them are not original – they have been borrowed or copied from other myths from other religions. This…

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