The Realities of Moving Abroad

Moving abroad can be an exhilarating and life-changing decision, opening you up to new sights, people, relationships, and experiences. It can take you from a familiar culture to one that is vastly different. This new culture that you immerse yourself in may turn out to be much more aligned with your values, lifestyle, and plans.…

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The Fundamentals of Freelancing Abroad

Whether you’re going on a business trip or you simply like to travel for extended periods of time, there is nothing wrong with mixing business and pleasure by freelancing abroad. In fact, working is an excellent way to fund your trip and gain experience along the way. Plus, you never know what connections you’ll make…

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How to Make Digital Nomadism a Long-Term Lifestyle

Digital nomadism – the combination of travel with remote work – is an increasingly popular trend. Many bright-eyed millennials see it as a way to ditch the drudgery of a boring and uninspiring 9-to-5 while at the same time satisfying their hunger for travel. Yet despite all of the travel bloggers and YouTubers who ‘sell’…

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How to Afford a Nomadic Lifestyle

Being a digital nomad is a life-changing experience that lets you explore new places, find out how little you really need to get by, and cross paths with people you might never otherwise have met. It’s a personal journey that tests you and makes you more independent, insightful, and confident. However, you can’t just decide…

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How the Digital Nomad Lifestyle Can Put Your Mental Health at Risk

Digital nomadism is often presented as a dream lifestyle, a guaranteed ticket to freedom and adventure. And while working remotely and travelling can certainly deliver these benefits, this lifestyle also entails some major downsides, which are – unfortunately – absent from the glossy, glorifying content you see on travel blogs and on social media. It’s important…

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