The Cyclic Universe: Endless Birth, Death, and Rebirth

A cyclic universe is a universe which follows an infinite self-sustaining cycle. In the 1930s, Einstein came up with the idea that the universe could go through an infinite cycle of Big Bangs and Big Crunches. The expansion of our universe could have been caused by the collapse of a previous universe – it sort of…

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Are We Living in a Multiverse?

The multiverse idea says that many universes exist, possibly an infinite number of them. The term ‘Universe’ literally means everything that there is, but it can also be more narrowly defined as everything that we can observe. This narrow definition allows for the possibility that other universes exist beyond this one, it’s just that we…

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Evolving Machines: What is the Future of Technology?

Moore’s Law, named after the Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore, says that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles every two years. Put more simply, computer processing power doubles every two years. Moore noted the trend in 1965 and it has held true ever since then. A super-computer which decades ago took up the…

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The Long-Term Effects of Mystical Experiences

It’s difficult to define a mystical experience. What exactly does it involve? Do they all share some basic elements? It’s probably a good idea to broadly define mystical to include the different kinds of experiences that people report as being mystical. What’s also interesting is that it is common for mystical experiences to have lasting effects,…

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What is Life and How Did It Originate?

Abiogenesis is the process by which life arises from inorganic matter. Fossilised primitive bacteria have been found which are 3.5 billion years old, which means life could have existed for much longer. Although, given the age of the Earth at around 4.3 billion years, scientists estimate that life has probably been around for no more than…

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