The Campaign for Veganism Has to Be Honest and Balanced

Recently, the dairy industry lost a battle against vegan campaign group Go Vegan World. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) rejected claims that an advert claiming ‘Humane milk is a myth’ is misleading and inaccurate. Some of the complainants were from the dairy industry. The case can be made that there is no such thing as humane…

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Self-Authoring as a Tool for Personal Growth

Self-authoring is a tool developed by psychologists from the University of Toronto, McGill and Erasmus University, with the aim of improving the well-being of anyone who cares to use it. Psychologist Jordan Peterson has described self-authoring on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. In a nutshell, it’s a writing exercise. And you’re writing about your life. The whole…

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Why Self-Acceptance and Self-Improvement Go Hand in Hand

Self-acceptance is often contrasted with self-improvement. While the former means embracing how things are, the latter is all about growing out of a state of stagnation and deficit. However, self-acceptance – while it involves accepting all aspects of yourself, both praiseworthy and unpleasant – is a process which has self-growth at its core. Moving from…

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Not Identifying With a Mental Health Issue Can Lessen Its Grip on Your Life

The spiritual teacher Ram Dass often confronts the topic of suffering in his talks and in his writings. In this BBC interview from 1981, he addresses anyone who might be suffering from depression and offers a different way of approaching the condition. The default or commonly adopted response to depression – and towards mental states in…

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Tackling Mental Health Stigma Begins With Debunking Misconceptions

There are two kinds of stigma when it comes to mental illness. There is the public stigma, which is the negative reaction of the general public to people with mental health issues, and there is self-stigma: the shame, disapproval, and disgrace that people with a condition feel towards themselves for having that condition. A great…

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