The Dark Side of Private Prisons: Greed, Corruption, and Injustice

There is a lot of controversy surrounding the existence of private prisons, most notably due to malpractice in the US. Private prisons do exist in the UK as well (which has the most privatised prison system in Europe), but they are not as popular as in the US and they do not engage in the…

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Surrealist Paintings by James McCarthy

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LSD Offers Anxiety Relief for Dying Patients: The First Study on the Drug in 40 Years

There is huge progress going on in the field of psychedelic research. The first study with the psychedelic drug, LSD, has just taken place – after a 40-year halt in research opportunities. In 1968 LSD was banned in the US, leading to a suspension of the busy, vast and promising LSD studies that were going on…

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Could the Universe Be a Fractal?

There is a theory of the universe known as fractal cosmology and it says that the structure of the universe is fractal. A fractal is a geometric pattern that is self-similar, meaning that the whole pattern is contained within its parts. In other words, if you zoom into any part of the pattern, it looks…

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Geometric Sand Paintings by Joe Mangrum

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