The Dark Side of the Animal Welfare Movement

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) are usually referred to as an animal rights organisation. But this is a mistake. No animal rights organisation would euthanise 89% of animals at their own animal shelter. This is what PETA has been found guilty of doing at their shelter in Norfolk, Virginia. Of course, many…

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How Big Pharma Profits From Drug Addiction

The pharmaceutical industry, otherwise known as Big Pharma, profits from drug addiction. This is not to say that pharmaceutical companies are conspiring to turn its customers into addicts. However, through the development, production and marketing of addictive prescription drugs, the end result is the same. The scientists working for Big Pharma know how physically and…

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Are Endangered Species Worth Saving?

The most recent species to go extinct is the Western black rhino. As an article in Scientific American explains, this resulted from human cruelty and greed – humans over-hunted the Western black rhino for its horn which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, could cure anything from cancer to fever. Scientific ignorance plays a part in this story…

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The Negative Effects of Facebook: Addiction, Social Isolation, and Depression

Facebook is great for communication, networking and planning events. It is a social media platform that was designed to connect people and clearly, it achieves this in a number of ways. However, Facebook’s utility and popularity often mask its more psychologically damaging aspects, of which there seems to be three: addiction, social isolation and depression.…

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The Problem with Charity Organisations

It may seem harsh to criticise charity organisations. After all, they are dedicated to ameliorating some ill in society: a terrible physical or mental condition, abuse (to humans, animals or the environment), emergency situations, injustice, poverty, inequality, discrimination, and so on. These are all worthy causes. However, the problem with charity organisations is that they…

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