The Ethical and Environmental Implications of Lab Grown Meat

So earlier this year Dutch scientists used stem cells to create strips of muscle tissue, which many are claiming is a sign of greater things to come – the mass production of lab-grown hamburgers! An exciting prospect…but for who? Well, potentially, everyone. At the moment it is estimated that with current techniques, the cost of…

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Losing Faith in Faith Schools

According to the British Humanist Association (BHA), there are currently 7000 state-funded faith schools in the UK, mostly Christian, but all are legally allowed to discriminate on the basis of religion. Furthermore, all are exempt from the normal classroom inspections that other schools are subject to. This discrimination is unfair to children or teachers who…

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Simworld: Reality Could Be a Computer Simulation

For anyone who has seen the film The Matrix, they will know that the basic premise of the film is that reality is simulated in our minds by the means of a computer intelligence. The idea that reality is a simulation is not a relatively new idea. The essence of the idea can actually be…

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Protect People, Not What They Believe

On the 25th March 2010, the UNHCR, an agency that protects and supports refugees, passed a resolution that hoped to combat the ‘defamation of religions’. In other words, support is still being given to the idea that an international blasphemy law should exist. Such a law would make it an offence to express disrespect or contempt…

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Male Circumcision is a Rights Violation and Does Not Belong in a Secular Society

In the UK, we have freedom of religion like all other secular countries and it is a freedom which is supposed to entitle people the freedom to believe what they want and practise what they want without interference from the State. But some religious groups abuse this freedom and act in ways which we would…

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